About Us
HolidaySmart 假期日常 is the most fun and interesting online magazine for locals, sharing the best and hottest information on food, local Go-to, lifestyle, trendy products and travelling contents. More topics on special daily offers, exclusive discounts and attractive deals will be covered for our audiences. Let’s live smart, buy smart with HolidaySmart 假期日常!
「HolidaySmart 假期日常」乃是極受本地人追捧的線上雜誌,為讀者蒐羅高質素的本地及旅遊食、買、玩資訊之外,亦會報道優惠情報,緊貼即時著數快訊、分享每日優惠情報、報告各類限時折扣優惠等,令大家一齊成為至 Smart 精明消費者。