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外國情侶一年後重返印尼粉紅沙灘 遍佈垃圾同塑膠 :再不行動 這情況會變成常態

外國情侶一年後重返印尼粉紅沙灘 遍佈垃圾同塑膠 :再不行動 這情況會變成常態

時事熱話 生活熱話
By Heidi on 30 Apr 2019
Digital Editor

一對外國情侶一年前去到印尼著名嘅粉紅沙灘(Pink Beach),影低夢幻美照~粉紅色嘅幼沙加上清澈嘅海水,就好似仙境咁。

mariefeandjakesnow@Instagram 授權使用Photo from mariefeandjakesnow@Instagram 授權使用


mariefeandjakesnow@Instagram 授權使用Photo from mariefeandjakesnow@Instagram 授權使用


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PinterestPhoto from Pinterest



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2018 PINK BEACH —> 2019 PLASTIC BEACH ? : These two photos were taken in exactly the same spot one year apart from each other ?? : It’s #EARTHDAY today and this is the reality of the horrible situation we find ourselves in ! Even the most secluded and untouched beauties of the world like this Pink Beach in the Komodo Islands are being drowned in plastic! : We never imagined that upon return to our favourite beach in the world we would find such a disturbing scene! It really broke our hearts to see the amount of rubbish that had washed up on this once beautiful beach ?? : If we don’t act now, this will become a normality! Our beaches our oceans and our world will be covered in plastic ❌ Photoshopping the rubbish out wont fix the problem, showing the reality of what’s going on, will! Let’s call this what it is, a #plasticparadise !! How many beautiful places do you know that have become a plastic paradise? : We want to start using the hashtag #plasticparadise to start shining a spotlight onto places we notice that have a real plastic problem! We hope that this honesty and exposure will bring about pressure that will lead to clean ups and change! : JOIN THE MOVEMENT, use #plasticparadise when you see a problem, share this post, refuse single use plastic and go one step further by letting businesses that still use them know that you don’t support it by verbalising your stance! ?? : #plastic#plasticpollution#conservation#earthday#earthday2019#earthdayeveryday#planetearth#mothernature#environment#love#plasticworld

A post shared by MARIE FE ??& JAKE SNOW?? (@mariefeandjakesnow) on


Text: Holiday Editorial

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