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《復仇者》都頂唔住!《雷神》男星Idris Elba+《權力遊戲》男星Kristofer Hivju影星確診新冠肺炎

《復仇者》都頂唔住!《雷神》男星Idris Elba+《權力遊戲》男星Kristofer Hivju影星確診新冠肺炎

時事熱話 生活熱話 娛樂新聞
By Celia on 17 Mar 2020
Digital Editor

武漢肺炎(新冠肺炎)全球大流行,續早前Tom Hank宣佈確診後,陸續有荷里活影星受感染中招。

今日喺電影Marvel《雷神奇俠》(Thor)及《復仇者聯盟》系列中演「海姆達爾」嘅47歲英國黑人男星Idris Elba就喺Twitter發片表示自己確診新冠肺炎。

pinterestPhoto from pinterest


Idris Elba/TwitterPhoto from Idris Elba/Twitter


片中佢亦指出自己上週曾與一名喺上周五確診嘅加國總理杜魯多(Justin Trudeau)嘅妻子蘇菲(Sophie)接觸,而相中Formula 1賽車手Lewis Hamilton亦有一同合照。

sophiegregoiretrudeau/IGPhoto from sophiegregoiretrudeau/IG


另外,人氣電視劇《權力遊戲》中嘅挪威男演員Kristofer Hivju就喺Instagram表示自己已確診並正喺挪威家中隔離。

Kristofer Hivju / IGPhoto from Kristofer Hivju / IG


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Greetings from Norway! Sorry to say that I, today, have tested positive for COVID19, Corona virus. My familiy and I are self-isolating at home for as long as it takes. We are in good health - I only have mild symptoms of a cold. There are people at higher risk for who this virus might be a devastating diagnosis, so I urge all of you to be extremely careful; wash your hands, keep 1,5 meters distance from others, go in quarantine; just do everything you can to stop the virus from spreading. Together we can fight this virus and avert a crisis at our hospitals. Please take care of each other, keep your distance, and stay healthy! Please visit your country's Center for Disease Control's website, and follow the regulations for staying safe and protecting not just yourselves, but our entire community, and especially those at risk like the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions. @grymolvaerhivju #fightcorona #solidarity #takecare #folkehelseinstituttet Thanks to @panoramaagency

Kristofer Hivju(@khivju)分享的貼文 於 張貼


Text: HolidaySmart Editorial

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