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【印度沙灘】28萬隻海龜上岸產卵 7年來首次日頭進行!

【印度沙灘】28萬隻海龜上岸產卵 7年來首次日頭進行!

時事熱話 生活熱話
By Ivory on 09 Apr 2020
Digital Editor



Twitter@DrAshJacPhoto from Twitter@DrAshJac



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The arribada or the mass nesting of olive Ridleys is nothing short of magic. Olive Ridleys live in oceans and only come to land to nest. When the females grow up, they return to the same beaches to lay eggs. How they navigate back was a mystery for a long time but recent science suggests that individual beaches have magnetic fields unique to them. When the turtles hatch, these fields are imprinted into their brains, allowing them to sense it when they need to return. It’s a magnificent internal compass as accurate as the latitudes and longitudes used by humans. Read a spectacular story by Swati Thiyagarajan @swatithiyagarajan on the nesting phenomenon on our website. Link in bio. . Photo: Kartik Shanker @shanker_kartik #arribada #odisha #oliveridley #oliveridleyturtle #nesting #rushikulya #turtle #India #wildlife #conservation #biodiversity #wildlifeIndia #turtles? #massnesting #breed #naturalworld #rgsustain

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