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英國品牌Ted Baker網上開倉2折起!經典Tote Bag $150有找!!

英國品牌Ted Baker網上開倉2折起!經典Tote Bag $150有找!!

時事熱話 購物著數 美食推介 電子科技潮物
By 123testing on 02 Jun 2018

經常搵嚟唔同牌子開倉嘅On The List平時就係中環開倉~
今次搵嚟英國品牌Ted Baker,仲唔洗大家行嚟行去!
由6月4日開始On the List網站上面嘅嘅Ted Baker產品就會開始低至2折嘅減價優惠~

On The ListPhoto from On The List

蝴蝶結Tote Bag(細) $144(原價:$360) 、 花花Tote Bag(大) $190(原價:$475)
On The ListPhoto from On The List
On The ListPhoto from On The List

手提/斜揹環圈袋 $460(原價:$1150)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

短款銀包 $187.5(原價:$625) - $283.5(原價:$945)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

長銀包 $345(原價:$1150) - $388.5(原價:$1295)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

長銀包 $322.5(原價:$1075)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

迷你斜揹袋 $666(原價:$1665)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

手袋 $926(原價:$2315)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

蝴蝶結化妝袋 $135(原價:$450)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

花花化妝袋 $135(原價:$450)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

經典水桶包 $784(原價:$1960)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

米色背包 $976(原價:$2440) 、壓紋手袋 $784(原價:$1960)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

飾品 $220(原價:$550) - $382(原價:$955)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

皮革手帶 $165(原價:$550) - $178.5(原價:$595)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

真皮公事包 $1758(原價:$4395)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

袖口鈕 $255(原價:$850) 金屬手鐲$208.5(原價:$695)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

男裝銀包 $208.5(原價:$695) - $255(原價:$850)、卡片套 $178.5(原價:$595)
On The ListPhoto from On The List

**唔洗大家走嚟走去~ 3-5日就收到貨~勁快手
買滿$1300即可免運費(離島地區額外再加$150)~買唔夠都係每3kg $40 (其後每kg+$5 離島地區額外再加$150)

On The List Flash Sale
限時優惠:6月4日上午8時正 - 6月10日晚上11時59分

**想參與開倉嘅朋友記得要上到On The list嘅網站申請成為會員﹐費用全免㗎!

Text: Holiday Editorial
(小編公告:如果讀者有任何關於美食、旅遊、玩樂、或者任何新奇有趣事物既資訊,都歡迎話比小編們知~大家可以透過Facebook inbox、或者send e-mail到,直接將資料傳比小編)


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