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結局有餘韻!《星夢情深》淡妝唱抒情歌嘅Lady Gaga好耀眼  首首歌都好聽  唔係fans睇完都會去聽佢嘅歌

結局有餘韻!《星夢情深》淡妝唱抒情歌嘅Lady Gaga好耀眼 首首歌都好聽 唔係fans睇完都會去聽佢嘅歌

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By Rachel Lo on 15 Oct 2018
Deputy Managing Editor

《星夢情深》(A Star is Born)未上映已經有唔少人關注,因為Lady Gaga淡妝上陣,仲創作咗多首原創歌曲,就算唔係fans,喺睇戲嗰時聽住佢唱多首歌,都會不由得沉醉喺佢嘅歌聲中,同時為佢喺電影中嘅演技而動容。

Warner Bros. PicturesPhoto from Warner Bros. Pictures

故事講述資深音樂人、歌星Jackson Maine有次無意間去到一間變裝酒吧,發現咗歌星優美嘅Ally,但佢對自己嘅容貌感到自卑,曾經被人指佢個鼻太大,唔適合出道做歌手,所以無自信。而Jackson一步步帶佢走入歌星世界,同佢相戀。但當Ally愈嚟愈紅,二人漸行漸遠。

Warner Bros. PicturesPhoto from Warner Bros. Pictures

《A Star is Born》當中有現實、愛情、原則與理想嘅掙扎,可以話係一個「有實力嘅灰姑娘」故事,但現實終歸並非童話。

只要仔細睇,就會發現原來呢個故事講嘅更加係一粒新星嘅誕生,以及另一粒星嘅隕落。而《A Star is Born》嘅結局係近年睇過最令人有種餘韻、令人動容且印象深刻。

Warner Bros. PicturesPhoto from Warner Bros. Pictures


Warner Bros. PicturesPhoto from Warner Bros. Pictures

平日睇到舞台上嘅Lady Gaga,會帶畀人一種強勢、別樹一幟、rock、時尚、舉首投足帶有自信嘅感覺;而電影中嘅佢會睇唔出帶有現實嘅影子,成功演繹出Ally呢個「灰姑娘」,佢知道自己擁有寫歌、寫歌嘅才華,同時亦知道娛樂圈嘅現實,除咗才華,外表同樣重要。

Warner Bros. PicturesPhoto from Warner Bros. Pictures

從中睇到Lady Gaga並非只有歌聲,佢喺《A Star is Born》入面演技同樣精湛,演出同平日形象完全唔一樣嘅佢,實力絕不比身為歌星嘅自己遜色。


Warner Bros. PicturesPhoto from Warner Bros. Pictures


Warner Bros. PicturesPhoto from Warner Bros. Pictures


Warner Bros. PicturesPhoto from Warner Bros. Pictures

睇住Ally愈嚟愈紅,但一點一滴失去原有嘅特色,混雜咗較大眾所能接受嘅pop music,Jackson睇到若有所失,諷刺嘅係Ally嘅如日中天,係Jackson由頂點直插水嘅時期。兩個人好似漸行漸遠,但唔代表佢地唔係深愛對方,只係二人嘅想法慢慢出現咗分歧。


Warner Bros. PicturesPhoto from Warner Bros. Pictures

Warner Bros. PicturesPhoto from Warner Bros. Pictures


Warner Bros. PicturesPhoto from Warner Bros. Pictures

電影最後Ally上台唱《I’ll never love again》,將鏡頭轉至過去Jackson彈住鋼琴對住佢唱,而Ally一臉感動咁望住佢,再切換返Ally喺舞台唱歌,有種「人面全非」嘅唏噓,會令人不禁動容。用呢一幕作為電影嘅收結,令結局餘韻縈迴腦海。


I’m falling
In all the good times I find myself longing for change
And in the bad times I fear myself

I’m off the deep end, watch as I dive in
I’ll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface, where they can’t hurt us
We’re far from the shallow now

In the shallow, shallow X3
We’re far from the shallow now

節錄《I'll Never Love Again》
Wish I could
I could have said goodbye
I would have said what I wanted to
Maybe even cried for you

If I knew it would be the last time
I would have broke my heart in two
Tryin' to save a part of you

Don't wanna feel another touch
Don't wanna start another fire
Don't wanna know another kiss
No other name falling off my lips
Don't wanna give my heart away
To another stranger
Or let another day begin
Won't even let the sunlight in
No I'll never love again
I'll never love again
Ooouu Oh

I don't wanna know this feeling unless it's you and me
I don't wanna waste a moment
And I don't wanna give somebody else the better part of me
I would rather wait for you

《星夢情深》(A Star is Born)

Text: Holiday Editorial
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