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韓星金義聖連出22個post支持香港 指自己唔係英雄 示威者先係真·英雄

韓星金義聖連出22個post支持香港 指自己唔係英雄 示威者先係真·英雄

時事熱話 生活熱話 娛樂新聞
By Jennifer on 26 Aug 2019
Digital Editor



金義聖 IGPhoto from 金義聖 IG

金義聖 IGPhoto from 金義聖 IG

而喺觀塘遊行中,有示威者疑似被警方射傷眼睛,金義聖留言指責:「What's wrong with You HK police???Stop attacking people!!!!We are watching you!!!!!!」

金義聖 IGPhoto from 金義聖 IG

佢更指自己唔係英雄,真正嘅英雄係為爭取公義與自由而上街嘅示威者:「I am not a hero. I am just a humble middle age man sitting on a safe couch, collecting photos and posting them.
You are the REAL HEROES marching on the street, shouting justice and freedom, fighting against the unjust power.」

金義聖 IGPhoto from 金義聖 IG


金義聖 IGPhoto from 金義聖 IG

有人私信俾佢指懷疑有公司秋後算賬,解僱員工,金義聖即氣憤留言:「Shame on you!」

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Shame on you!

kimeuisung(@lunatheboy)分享的貼文 於 張貼

Text: Holiday Editorial
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