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By Celia on 25 Mar 2020
Digital Editor

新冠肺炎全球擴散,英國時間今日(25日)英國王室就證實王儲查理斯(Prince Charles)確診嘅消息。

根據英國《Sky News》報導,王儲查理斯居所克拉倫斯宮發表聲明指王位順位第一繼承人、71歲王儲查理斯確診感染新冠肺炎。

clarencehouse/IGPhoto from clarencehouse/IG

聲明中透露:「71歲威爾斯親王(Prince of Wales)已經被檢驗為冠狀病毒陽性,有輕微症狀出現,身體大致良好。王儲於英國時間星期日開始感到少許不適,星期一時接受病毒檢驗,他過去幾日亦如常在家辦公。」

clarencehouse/IGPhoto from clarencehouse/IG

而同住喺克拉倫斯宮嘅王儲夫人卡米拉(Camilla, The Duchess of Cornwall)亦同樣有接受新冠病毒檢驗,結果呈陰性。

clarencehouse/IGPhoto from clarencehouse/IG


clarencehouse/IGPhoto from clarencehouse/IG


clarencehouse/IGPhoto from clarencehouse/IG


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

A MESSAGE FROM HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . As Philip and I arrive at Windsor today, we know that many individuals and families across the United Kingdom, and around the world, are entering a period of great concern and uncertainty. We are all being advised to change our normal routines and regular patterns of life for the greater good of the communities we live in and, in particular, to protect the most vulnerable within them. At times such as these, I am reminded that our nation’s history has been forged by people and communities coming together to work as one, concentrating our combined efforts with a focus on the common goal. We are enormously thankful for the expertise and commitment of our scientists, medical practitioners and emergency and public services; but now more than any time in our recent past, we all have a vitally important part to play as individuals - today and in the coming days, weeks and months. Many of us will need to find new ways of staying in touch with each other and making sure that loved ones are safe. I am certain we are up to that challenge. You can be assured that my family and I stand ready to play our part. ELIZABETH R

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Text: HolidaySmart Editorial

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