【Emily in Paris】靚仔廚師Gabriel疑撻著同劇演員?網民眼利揭兩人關係匪淺
Netflix 劇集《Emily in Paris》(艾蜜莉在巴黎)甫推出就極速登上各地嘅熱播排行榜首位,而劇中演員嘅私人生活亦成為大家關心嘅焦點,特別係靚仔大廚 Gabriel(Lucas Bravo 飾)嘅感情狀況。近日就有網民懷疑 Lucas 同同劇演員撻著,而嗰位仲要係 Emily(Lily Collins 飾)嘅閨蜜Mindy(Ashley Park 飾)?
Photo from IG @lucasnbravo
雖然 Lucas 早前接受外媒訪問時提到佢會喺工作上保持專業,所以都盡量唔會同同劇演員拍拖,但一眾眼利網民喺 IG 發現原來 Lucas 喺劇集殺青後去咗紐約搵有歌唱夢嘅保姆 Mindy(Ashley Park 飾)!
Photo from IG @bravonlucas
Ashley 一盡地主之誼,佢哋除咗一齊去睇《Mean Girls》、《Harry Potter》同《Hamilton》嘅音樂劇外,仲去咗食好西添!
Photo from IG @lucasnbravo
Photo from IG @lucasnbravo
Lucas 提到佢同 Ashley 相識經過好搞笑,事源 Ashley 喺開戲第二日誤以為佢係睇住道具嘅工作人員,再加上佢哋就住喺隔離,所以好快就熟咗~
Photo from IG @bravonlucas
Photo from IG @ashleyparklady
Lucas 同 Ashley 喺劇中並無太多一齊嘅場口,但都可以咁熟,唔怪得會有撻著之嫌~
Photo from 《Emily in Paris》劇照
Photo from IG @bravonlucas
雖然 Lucas 後來都有澄清返佢同 Ashley 只係好朋友同 2 個月嘅 roommate,依家仲係單身緊,不過網民就唔多信,覺得佢哋低調蜜運中。
Photo from IG @bravonlucas
Photo from IG @bravonlucas
Photo from IG @bravonlucas
不過其實 Ashley 真人都好有料,除咗係百老匯音樂劇嘅女主角之外,仲試過喺麥迪遜花園廣場領唱國歌,令到全場歡呼聲不斷!仲要身材勁好,絕對襯得起法國型男 Lucas 呀~
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•I’ve just realized that this was the last time I sang live for an audience, and realistically, the last time I’ll sing for this many people in one room for a very long time ? • I was just sent this video of my National Anthem at MSG from back in March. It was three days before Broadway and the country shut down. It was International women’s day (an all-women team from the NYC police department are standing alongside me), and I almost pulled out of singing that day, feeling run-over and unwell after finishing GRAND HORIZONS that week, the last show to officially close on Broadway before the shutdown... But I’d never sang at MSG, and for a Michigan gal living in New York, how could I pass up singing at the Detroit Pistons VS. New York Knicks game?! I hesitated sharing this video because I can tell how tired and stressed I was (thank you @justiewolf for doing my hair and love-shoving me onto that court). • But as I listen to the lyrics of our National Anthem again, I hear the BATTLECRY in the words that paved our country with a new fire. It’s about HOPE and RESILIENCE when there seems to be none. We MUST exercise our voices with hope and fervor. We must VOTE so that our country can be led in this dire time, to truly be a proud “land of the free, and the home of the brave.” #vote #bidenharris2020 ???????
A post shared by •• Ashley Park •• (@ashleyparklady) on Oct 7, 2020 at 12:13pm PDT
Text: HolidaySmart Editorial
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