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超級陣容!Dwayne Johnson/Ryan Reynolds/Gal Gadot確定參演Netflix新片《Red Notice》

超級陣容!Dwayne Johnson/Ryan Reynolds/Gal Gadot確定參演Netflix新片《Red Notice》

生活熱話 電視電影 娛樂新聞
By Celia on 12 Jul 2019
Digital Editor

近年線上影音串流服務Netflix大受歡迎,消費者只要付出小額嘅訂閱費用,就可以無限使用、瀏覽 Netflix上嘅所有劇集、電影。

而近日喺Netflix旗下嘅官方推特See What's Next就宣佈咗一個好消息!

他們即將喺1月分別喺Rome 、Germany、Spain、Russia、France及Indonesia 6個國家開拍一部名為《Red Notice》嘅作品,早前佢哋終於公佈演出強大嘅陣容。

See What's NextPhoto from See What's Next

而依個強大嘅陣容就包括咗以《狂野時速》系列作品深入民心嘅Dwayne Johnson、《神奇女俠》嘅Gal Gadot同埋《死待》Ryan Reynolds。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Aviation Gin is just vodka after its wish was granted. @aviationgin #AviationOwner ?: @guyaroch

Ryan Reynolds(@vancityreynolds)分享的貼文 於 張貼

消息一出Dwayne Johnson同Gal Gadot都即喺IG上傳相關報導並留言表示興奮。

Dwayne Johnson IG:

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

This is big & exciting. Being @netflix‘s largest commitment ever to a feature film, I want to personally thank our partners Ted Sarandos, Scott Stuber & the entire Netflix team for seeing the strong market value in @rawsonthurber’s original concept/IP franchise builder #RedNotice with myself and my partners-in-heists @gal_gadot & @vancityreynolds. In our ever changing landscape with how movies are made, distributed and consumed by audiences, the goal was to create a true global event movie watched & enjoyed by the world - in the comfort of their own homes. At @SevenBucksProd’s we don’t just want to play in the game - we want to change the way the game is played. And when that happens, the audience always WINS. We’re all excited to make this one. Shooting begins this JANUARY. Rome Germany Spain Russia France Indonesia #RedNotice? #NETFLIX #AudienceFirst

therock(@therock)分享的貼文 於 張貼

Gal Gadot IG:

另外亦有消息拍今次嘅新片可能係歷來最高預算嘅劇情片,不過可以睇到依3位演員同台演出,一眾Fans都會好期待呀!《Red Notice》預計將於2020年11月上映!

Text: Holiday Editorial
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