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時事熱話 生活熱話
By Heidi on 21 Oct 2019
Digital Editor


其實除咗迪士尼嘅卡通人物之外,Jessica仲會整唔用主題嘅餡餅,例如係比卡超、哈利波特等,連外國名嘴Ellen DeGeneres都難佢唔到。


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Say hello to Chocolate Cherry Pie-kachu (Christmas version)! ⚡️???? ⠀ This pie was a request from follower @craftingkindness - thank you so much for your “Santa Pikachu” suggestion! I’ll DM you shortly and will be sending you a copy of my pie decorating book Pie Modding plus one of my Pie Guides! ⠀ Tomorrow I’ll be posting a video tutorial in my stories to show you exactly how you can make one of these yourself - the figure on top is coated on the back in chocolate, and the base pie under the cherry filling has a yummy layer of chocolate as well! Pie dough “standees” (as I call them) like Pikachu here are a deceptively simple technique that add a big impact on the buffet table - and are surprisingly stable! ⠀ So! What do you want to see next? Follow me and leave a comment below with the holiday-themed pie you’d like to see me make next and if I pick your suggestion I’ll send you a copy of Pie-Modding too ? (duplicate suggestions will be decided by random draw.) ??☃️ ⠀ #pikachu #pokemon #pikachuart #pokemonfan #pokemonfanart #pokemonparty #pokemoncake #holidaybaking #cherrypie #chocolatepie #cake #cookies #cookiedecorating #cakedecorating #christmaspie #holidaypie #chocolatecherry #santa #santahat #christmascookies #christmascake #cakestand #shiplap #jinglebells

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Text: Holiday Editorial

(小編公告:如果讀者有任何關於美食、旅遊、玩樂、或者任何新奇有趣事物既資訊,都歡迎話比小編們知~大家可以透過Facebook inbox、或者send e-mail到,直接將資料傳比小編)


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